
Where can I park at Real Groovy?

Central Auckland continues to be a minefield of roadworks, but there are a number of carparks in the area.

On this page you'll find:

  • The cheapest carpark in the area
  • The closest carpark
  • Carpark for large trades

1. Cheapest Carpark - Victoria St Carpark

This carpark is the new home of our free weekend and holiday parking, and seems to be the cheapest option in the area.

2. Closest Carpark - Elliott Street Wilson Carpark

This carpark is the shortest walk from us, down Elliott St (a oneway from Wellesley St West).

3. Carpark for trades - Durham Street Wilson Carpark

This is the best location if you are bringing in a large trade where multiple trips to your vehicle is required. This needs to be pre-arranged, so give us a call first, (09 302 3951) and we can help you bring your trade up around the back.