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What's this?
What could be better than a Fart with a heart? A Super Fart of course!
Wafting around with his stinky best friend Burp, Fart couldn't be happier.
But sometimes Burp wishes people wouldn't say,
YUCK and GROSS and PEE-YEW . . .
Could being smelly ever be a force for good?
A super stinker of a tale that proves anyone can be a hero.
Readers who loved Zoe Foster Blake's ABIA award-winning and best-selling No One Likes a Fart will love this companion book as Fart and Burp decide to make difference in the world whether people love them or not. They'll make some friends along the way and even get capes! Be ready for some powerful pongs, the Superstinkers are in town!